Need advice on graphics card
Im plannin on buying a new graphics card so i can play battle field 2 and F.E.A.R, right know i have and nvidia FeForce 5500, I have tried demos for both games but they barely run on the lowest settings,so im looking for a card that would run them,i'm not really a serious pc gamer but i still want a card that will last for a while before i have to get another one, I tought about gettin a nvidia 7800 but dunno if theres anything better out there
Whats the rest of your system look like? A graphics card may not be all you need to upgrade to run the latest and greatest...
I have an amd 64 3200+, only 768mb's of ram now cause i sold that gig stick to a friend, and a k8v se deluxe mobo which isnt too bad. I can play most games with high settings on my current setup.
The x800xl is cheaper than the 68000 gt, yet the perform about the same. check on newegg for the prices, but when i bought mine in late june it was $300.