Doom Movie Review

Ars Technica has a review of the new Doom movie starring The Rock and Karl Urban.
Source: Ars TechnicaOn top of all this, after a pretty underwhelming showdown, the movie ends very abruptly and I was left sitting there thinking "that's it?" or, in my case, "I'm glad I didn't pay to see this." In short, I can smell what The Rock is cooking, and it's not a good movie. On a scale from Robocop to your sister's church play, it's a cosplay show with a big budget and lots of squishy noises. If you're looking to watch it just for the sake of seeing a splatter flick sausage fest, then wait for the DVD. But be prepared for a movie written by the marketing department. And don't ask us what "SEMPER FI, MOTHERF*****" is supposed to mean. Ask the wiki.
So now not only are we not buying Qwake4 but now we aren't even going to see the doomed movie? LOL Oh man what do I have to look forward too this winter????
Someone who did a whole string of terrible B movies and also did another B budget movie that was predestined by critics to be just another of a series of toilet flush failures. It was called
The Terminator
It also gives my son and I something to do together.
:: Wonders how much a critic would rewrite the review if he knew Rock was coming by to visit the next day ... ::
Hahaha that's great.
I saw the movie, it wasn't bad, a lot of the stuff is pretty funny and I think the only real audience for this movie is people who played the Doom video games, I don't think it will do that well at the box office overall because people who aren't familiar with the franchise probably won't be interested in seeing it and those who do see it without knowing about the games won't get all the references to stuff in the game. I saw it tonight when it opened and it seemed like a mostly younger crowd and there was a lot of moments of laughter, one I particularly remembered was when they first showed the BFG in the movie.
But if this is your sort of thing, this is your movie.
Well, it was at least brighter than the game storyline but the Rock is going to have to find better material if he's going to find his spot on the big screen. Vin Diesel, don't sweat too much yet.
It's not as bad as I expected but it was pretty bad.
Sounds like Doom 3