PowerLeap PL-IP3/T


Is there anybody out there who is interesting on selling or getting rid of a

PowerLeap PL-IP3/T 1.4Ghz with 100 Front Side Bus and 256 L2 Cache (CELERON)

If there is anybody who wants to sell it or doesnt want it anymore im interested on getting it. it should be 1.4ghz with 100FSB CELERON because my motherboard doesnt support the ones with 133FSB.

Please contact me by sending me a Private MSG or an email to:
slim142 (at) hotmail.com


EDIT: Welcome to Short-Media

Slim, I edited your email address in this post for your security. There are scanning programs that Internet slimers use to pic up any and all email addresses they can find. You can only imagine what happens with the captured email addresses. I recommend you contact one of our site administrators, Shorty or Primesuspect, and change your forum name as well.

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