KV8-MAX3 POST code 0.1

edited October 2005 in Hardware

I have a KV8-MAX3 and it worked and one day it would not power up at all and there is a 0.1 POST code and I looked in the manual and it says something to the effect of expand xcodes in memory address 10000:0 and I tried replacing the memory and it gave the same code, I tried calling ABIT and they were no help, they could not tell me what that meant. None of the fans will power up when I push the on/off switch...nothing happens at all.
I would appreciate any advice anyone could give me on this matter. I am at work most of the time and I do not often have a chance to check the internet, if you would like to post a response so that others with the same issue could look at this information online that would be great but I would really appreciate an email with some information to joshnwatkins@yahoo.com as I check my email regularly. Any help that can be given would be greatly appreciated, looking at those error codes in the manual is like reading flippin' martian sometimes.


  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited October 2005

    Please tell us what you can about your system- Memory, CPU, Power Supply, OS, video card, HDs, etc.- it helps in evaluation.

    I'll hazard a guess and say this looks like a power supply if you have no fans, but I would think you would have other dead devices too. I also suspect you might have multiple problems- but let's do this one thing at a time.

    If you have or can borrow a spare power supply (actually it never hurts to have an extra around either) of a larger rating (more wattage and more amps on the 12V rail- Antec comes recommended by many here) I would try that.

    This will also give you a chance to revisit all your power and button/switch connections. I'd suggest actually removing and reseating each, double-checking that you have your connectors aligned with the right pins.

    There is more we could play with, but let's try this for now. Hope it helps :thumbsup:
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