Good memory for an XP 3000+ and NF-7S
Looking for just a couple of 512k sticks to go with the new upgrades (more like system overhaul really. Probably end up building a new PC). Don't plan to overclock it much (0.5ghz, maybe), so I don't have to mess with memory latency and all that other fun stuff (stuff I don't know about ), however, I'd like to keep the option open so I want some good OC'ing memory.
and why would you not overclock when you get a board that is arguably the most overclockable board for AXPs
btw, just to let you know.... the 2500+s ($83) can do anywhere from 2.3GHz to 2.7GHz... overclocked and the 3000+ which is much more expensive is like a 2.1 something
Most XP3000 does over 2.2 on default volts. I would wait for the Barton 2600 though. That chip will be a king.
To the topic, Twinmos with winbond chips are good at a great price. A guy at amdforums is selling Buffalo memory and it´s Pc3700 has the BH5 chips garanteed. The 3200 has the CH5 which also is good but cant do as tight timings.