Sprint to Roll Out Nation Wide WiMax, DoD Buys Sprint's Current Network
At the core of forgotten
PCSintel has a story with details on Sprint's plan to roll out WiMax across America.
Appearently the US Department of Defence has decided to purchase Sprint's existing iDEN network, which Sprint will replace with a national non-fixed WiMax network with as much, if not more coverage than the existing network.
Appearently the US Department of Defence has decided to purchase Sprint's existing iDEN network, which Sprint will replace with a national non-fixed WiMax network with as much, if not more coverage than the existing network.
Source: PCSintelNow, how is Sprint going to get there? Sprint has multiple hurdles it must cross in order to obtain this vision. First, Sprint must gain a WiMax standard. Sprint is doing this by attempting to force WiMax standards through as an open modem technology... one WiMax device is compatible with another, and is mobile from the start. If this fails, Sprint will most likely divert to the nearest derivative of WiMax, currently WiBro, though Flash-ODFM is an additional fallback should such subsequent technologies also fail.