Upgrading soon, need input.
Hello all, I am planning on upgrading my rig soon and I just needed some of your guy's input if I should make any changes and whatnot. See specs for current rig. Here is what I plan on upgrading to...
Sapphire Radeon X800 PRO (I am interested in this card because according to many reviews, the extra pipes are garunteed to unlock. Effectively making it a Radeon X850XT PE. Not to mention pretty inexpensive. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814102465)
1 Gigabyte of Corsair PC3200 RAM (RAM ALREADY ORDERED AND ON THE WAY. Yeah, it's ValueSelect. So sue me. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145440)
Keep Harddrive
Keep PowerSupply
Yeah, that's pretty much the jist of it. Any changes I should make? Perhaps I should go with something that is SLI compatible. I'd also like you to note, money doesn't grow on trees for me. I currently only have 418 dollars to spend on a new rig and it'll be a bit before I have the rest. With the holidays and whatnot coming up.
P.S. I Newegg!:D
Sapphire Radeon X800 PRO (I am interested in this card because according to many reviews, the extra pipes are garunteed to unlock. Effectively making it a Radeon X850XT PE. Not to mention pretty inexpensive. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814102465)
1 Gigabyte of Corsair PC3200 RAM (RAM ALREADY ORDERED AND ON THE WAY. Yeah, it's ValueSelect. So sue me. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145440)
Keep Harddrive
Keep PowerSupply
Yeah, that's pretty much the jist of it. Any changes I should make? Perhaps I should go with something that is SLI compatible. I'd also like you to note, money doesn't grow on trees for me. I currently only have 418 dollars to spend on a new rig and it'll be a bit before I have the rest. With the holidays and whatnot coming up.
P.S. I Newegg!:D