Cant Load XServer Graphical Interface

I have tried to edit and change around the config file etc. But I always get the same message.
Where could I find the BUS Identifier, Name etc...
manufacturer and model number of the videocard, type of graphics card and chipset, amount of video memory, and color depth (8,16,24,32, etc.)
Monitor Dell E77S3 crt
The manufacturer and model number for the monitor along with the maximum resolution, vertical refresh rate, and horizontal refresh rate.
I am currently using Windows XP SP2

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apt-get install xserver-xfree86
dpkg-reconfigure xserevr-xfree86
(If your unsure of something DONT ENTER ANYTHING IN).
edit: What videocard are you running it on if its your x850 your goina need a third party driver (I can provide you with one)
What distro are you using. I see its debian based. I use Ubuntu with gnome and xfce
the thing is I haven't even seen my desktop yet because xserver won't load or something
and how would I go about loading these 3rd party drivers.
Heres the ati driver it should work up to a x850xtpe
edit: It didnt attach I shall put a readme along with the driver up on my site then provide a link.
I'll be right back I am going to try somethings
Heres the Link
and do I neet to unzip the files before I burn it to cd
And just burn it to a cd
debian will automaticly mount it to /cdrom too.
That means just type in cd /cdrom/
then do the commands in my readme.
is there a way I can get access
I didn't associate the SUID files thing with the drive
This is what I typed in
cd/cdrom/ dpkg -i fglrx-drver
when asked what videocard you have select fglrx.
But the other errors have disappered I only get the screens not found error.
I clearly said in my readme not to touch anything else
If you pm me your ip root password and ip I will fix this for you.
Oh also you gota forward port 22.
Close Topic.