Worcester, UK Icrontian
I have access to 6 P4 2.4ghz machines here that are on all day, but the client cant connect. All the machines at work run through a locked down proxy server, and supprisingly FAH just screws up trying to run through that. I tried using my own special mexican proxy and it gets the hello message from the server but still cant download the work units.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
But now I need to be able to stealth it, because the colsole is a tad obvious.
Note: I do NOT have adminastrative privaledges (Afaik FireDaemon needs admin)
Due to that, I can't actually even download FireDaemon to try. If someone could zip it or rename it to jpeg to let me download it, it would be appreciated.... if anyone knows if FireDaemon works without Admin privs.
Ever try installing the google toolbar? Install it, tell it to start, chahge the name in the config options on the toolbar and then edit the client.cfg file to team 93.
If you log in tho it might not work since it might only run when you are logged in.
You try asking the admin?
We have to log in, though wouldn't the Google Toolbar require admin privs to install?
The admins are "cant be bothered" and "dont care, its not work" types.
Need to paste that as they use a button, and I have to right click to try and bypass the webx download crap.
There has to be some way, I mean at the moment the GUI version looks a better option as it can be minimised to the System tray which is hell of a lot less obvious than a huge bar in the start menu..........
Anyways, here you go. Attached is a zip containing an exe called svchost2.exe.
1. Download the latest console client and get it setup with your info.
2. Create a shortcut to the client, and place the shortcut in the Startup folder for all users.
3. Rename the shortcut to something easy, short, and unique like F@H1 or F@H2.
4. Download the attached file and unzip it to the same folder as the folding@home client for simplicty.
5. Create a shortcut to the svchost2.exe and place it in the Startup folder for all users.
6. Rename the shortcut to something inconspicuous.
7. Right-click the svchost shortcut and open the properties.
8. At the end of the target field, add a space then the name of the shortcut to the folding client.
example: Startup folder shortcut to F@H is named FAHConsole. Target should read something like this: C:\Projects\FAH\svchost2.exe FAHConsole
Note that the parameter is case sensitive!
Now click on the startup folder and run the shortcut to the folding client. Then start the svchost2.exe shortcut, and if all is working then the F@H client should disappear. I have not tried spaces with the parameters but I would imagine it would work if quotes embodied the parameter.
No matter what is the active window you can use these controls.
Control+F8 = unhides the f@h window
Control+F9 = hides the f@h window
Control+F10 = unloads the svchost2.exe
Have fun!
But can I not put both shortcuts in the startup?
Also, is there definately no way I can get folding running as a service without Admin privs then?
No, without admin access, you cannot install it as a service.
Now you could change the autoexec.bat to install f@h as a service, then ask one of the admins to login b/c there is a problem with the computer.
The admins have to log in all the time due to Virus patches or updating certain software...........