How do you pull some scenes off a DVD?

ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian
edited November 2005 in Internet & Media
My company has an internal company meeting coming up shortly and the powers that be want a couple clips from the movie Apollo to display at the meeting.
What would be the easiest and cheapest way to pull a few segments from that movie for a private showing?

Also, Are there legal questions for an internal meeting in a company showing this content?

Any help would be much appreciated!


  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Well, I received help from Ghoosdum and CB Droege on a different forum, but Ghoosdum sent me a link to the DVD Encoding guide on this site and that helped me out.
    Anyways, I guess i don't need help anymore...
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