We have eliminated a Threat >>>SM is headed to the top 10 :)

Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
edited November 2005 in Folding@Home
The p2p-community is no longer a threat to Team Short Media, we have been able to jump up 6.000 more points per day to gain a average 200+ points over P2p.... so Congrats to Team SM for getting the new members and cranking out the extra WU's to get us going right back to the top 10. The next 2 teams are not all that far off, and ranked 10th is not all that far off. as it sits we have 1/3 the members of the teams above us. If we can get 2 new members everyday for 3 months we can get to the point of surpassing team SAGoons and Team MacOS X

10th - SAGoons - 163,964 points per day! <<<
we need to get to 170,000 so we can crush them.

11th - Team MacOS X - 107,005 Points per day<<<--- We are so close to this!

12th - Team Short-Media - 101,879 <<<----lets take MAC OS with huge baby steps :) we need just 10,000+ points a day to get the 11th place spot. They have us at just a hair over 9 Million points... we can catch them in less than 280 days if we can start topping there numbers....

We have to at least get to 113,000+ points a day to stop CustomPC's gain on us! once we tackle that we need to shot for Team Mac OS X .....

So with the current efforts to recruit new members for SM folding, lets keep up the good work, and let’s pull those Pent 3’s and Pent 2’s out of closet for winter and fold away :) they make great space heaters 


  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Awesome! I didn't realize that we're outproducing p2p now, and that we're so close to team OSX. ROCK! :rockon:
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    holy crap that's good news!

    Sledgehammer, thank you for everything you've done as well. Your enthusiasm is a breath of fresh air that we've been needing for a while. It's always good to have enthusiastic cheerleaders!

    now if only you looked good in a pleated skirt :grumble:
  • HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Just added my 4 pc's in the last couple days. Hope it helps.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    cheerleader? the visual would not work on that, 6'5" 254lbs jumping in a cheerleading outfit lol! oh god that would be funny......

    Now its funny, My wife was a cheerleader and I was the football player in High School....
  • RADARADA Apple Valley, CA Member
    edited November 2005
    cheerleader? visual....... 6'5" 254lbs jumping in a cheerleading outfit ol!......

    *RADA falls to the floor, twitching ever so slightly, as the hellish images replay in his tortured brain.............. ;D

    :thumbsup: Good job Hammer, thanks for stepping up!
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Oh don't fall Im not that hellish :( am I?

    "Sledgehammer asks wife"
    Hey Hunny would I be Hellish in a cheerleading outfit? ?? Oh my god! Hun! HUN! get up why did you fall on the floor? Hey stop twitching...what is going on here?
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Hawk wrote:
    Just added my 4 pc's in the last couple days. Hope it helps.

    4 CPU's Yeah!!!! good job Hawk every CPU counts in my book
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    I see that huge increase in the stats, awesome job guys! Now if only mudd would get his ass back here, we could start laying the smack-down on some teams. :mullet:
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    TBonZ wrote:
    I see that huge increase in the stats, awesome job guys! Now if only mudd would get his ass back here, we could start laying the smack-down on some teams. :mullet:

    I don't know if he'll ever move his production back to SM, but he's still helping out in other ways. He's sending me a Barton to replace the aging Palomino in IC_11, which should be good for an 800mhz improvement! The old chip will go back into the pool for future rigs :thumbsup:
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    yeah if we had mudd and kingfish back, and maybe even good ol' BDR (remember her?), we could definitely take back 10th :(

    oh well, we'll do it without 'em ;) at least they're all still folding :)
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Hey you have sledgey now :) Im sure my Folding power wont compare to the names listed above, but I am sure trying :)
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Hey you have sledgey now :) Im sure my Folding power wont compare to the names listed above, but I am sure trying :)

    I don't know if you're producing more or less than they were, but you're definitely making a difference! :thumbsup::fold:
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited November 2005
    I can't say how many I got folding but I do know that HornBlstr and a couple of others have shown up with some heavyweight machines (HB packs a 57FX). I never ask them to fold under my name and even challenge them to scope out everything before they are sure they want to fold- and let me know of any objections. The card speaks for itself and is obviously working (at least for my part).

    Now, I've been watching the stats too. If I remember right, SM was pulling away from p2p about when I started, so p2p has done a turn-around too. My last take (last Friday) had them gaining by about 4000pts/day, but that was down from nearly 7000pts/day last month. So this is a very recent acceleration. Custom PC also jumped TWO places last week.

    Be it known that if things turn out this year, I plan on more than doubling my current output with the purchase of an Athalon X2 machine- I currently do about 150 pts/day with two machines part-time that are used heavily when my son and I are on. One will become my first fulltime folder. There is something about doing my job+fun+part-time fold on one core and folding fulltime on the other I find very appealing.

    :: Everyone has a dream- hope this one pans out with "The Boss" ::

    ::EDIT added: I guess the long and short of it is that p2p might turn-around and be in our face again any time- so keep up the folding! :cool:
  • WingaWinga Mr South Africa Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    I don't post often but I read almost every thread. Especially the ones to do with folding.

    I must say, I really appreciated seeing the physical numbers each team is producing and how close we are to topping them. It gives me a renewed sense of excitement.

    Although I know I will never get to be in the same leagues as the top ten, I was content with the knowlege that I was doing my bit for the cause and was happy to fold away as long as my circumstances permit :)

    I now have something to work towards and that is helping the Team, collectively squeeze out the guys in the 11th spot and then the 10th and so on :ninja:

    I posted my first unit on Sept 24th this year and have managed to add 7 computers to my arsenal. I have the capacity for 10 but have been too lazy to get them up and running. Now I promise that by the end of this year I will add the other 3 :D

    Lets kick some butt!!!!!
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    See.... teamwork is good for the spirit and good for the project. Keep up the work and grab some new members!!!

    Side note... I think I have a plaid kilt somewhere... I could wair that, if that would help. Or would that do more harm?
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Hey Winga if you want to be apart of abother team effort to be apart of the top 10 folders on SM you can join with 1 or 2 CPU's in the SM_Team line up!

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    harm..... definitely harm.... You in the kilt, sledgehammer in the cheerleader outfit.... i mean seriously :wtf:

  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    ;D :bawling: ;D
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    harm..... definitely harm.... You in the kilt, sledgehammer in the cheerleader outfit.... i mean seriously :wtf:


    Ya I'm still trying to get my wife from twitching on that one!
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Shoot Anything will help! I will have ta get my lappy up and folding too, Its a 1.6 GHZ AMD Turion
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Shoot Anything will help! I will have ta get my lappy up and folding too, Its a 1.6 GHZ AMD Turion

    sorry off topic for 1 sec... how do you like that turion? IM looking to get a new Lappy! and I like what I am hearing on the new proc's!
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2005
    Cheerleader outfits? Kilts? :wtf:

    If this is to be a group effort, I guess I could get out that little slinky black strapless outfit I was saving for New Years Eve... :mullet:
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited November 2005
    Hey Winga if you want to be apart of abother team effort to be apart of the top 10 folders on SM you can join with 1 or 2 CPU's in the SM_Team line up!


    Worried Winga might catch up Sledge? :D
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Not one bit he may add 3 towers, But I have 6 new towers to add by the end of November :) ! buhaaa haaa haaa haa. Actually Im just excited to see him jump in and get more machines to fold :)
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited November 2005
    So am I- and I hope the best for both of you! :thumbsup:
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited November 2005
    profdlp wrote:
    Cheerleader outfits? Kilts? :wtf:

    If this is to be a group effort, I guess I could get out that little slinky black strapless outfit I was saving for New Years Eve... :mullet:
  • shwaipshwaip bluffin' with my muffin Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    profdlp wrote:
    Cheerleader outfits? Kilts? :wtf:

    If this is to be a group effort, I guess I could get out that little slinky black strapless outfit I was saving for New Years Eve... :mullet:

    And maybe I'll find that sexy little number I was wearing in a photoshop a while back as well.

    And always remember - you're not a male cheerleader. You're an athletic supporter.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Okay Guys 4 out of 7 days we have hit over 100K and on 1 of those days we hit a mak we need to be at daily to catch up and get in place for the top 10.....

    So ggod job guys, no computer is to old to fold. fire them up, even those old school 333Mhz towers.... I am even getting 4 comps up and ready to start folding as soon as I can get them assembeled again! It is amazing what you can find in the attic :)

    Last 7 days production
    96,072 :(

  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    I love the turion! Its fast and just performs well. It folds pretty good too!
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2005
    Interesting stats, Sledge. The only thing I'd add is that Folding stats are like following a baseball team; a couple days in a row either up or down don't tell the story of the whole season.

    I like the looks of this a lot, though:
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