WoW Hackers Using Sony DRM Rootkit to Cheat

Security Focus is reporting that hackers are using the Sony DRM rootkit to cheat in the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft.
Apearently the hiding capabilities of Sony BMG's content protection software can make tools made for cheating in the online world impossible to detect by World of Warcraft's cheat protection software called The Warden.
Apearently the hiding capabilities of Sony BMG's content protection software can make tools made for cheating in the online world impossible to detect by World of Warcraft's cheat protection software called The Warden.
Source: Security FocusDespite making a patch available on Wednesday to consumers to amend its copy protection software's behavior, Sony BMG and First 4 Internet, the maker of the content protection technology, have both disputed claims that their system could harm the security of a Windows system. Yet, other software makers that rely on the integrity of the operating system are finding that hidden code makes security impossible.