Dell OptiPlex GX1 Adding an additional hard drive

edited November 2005 in Hardware
I have a Dell OptiPlex GX1. I bought a 250 Gig hard drive and want to install it. The machine is running Windows XP. Any help on if this is possible?


  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    Should be a piece of cake, assuming you use it as the secondary drive. I'm not sure what size case the GX1 is but it should have an open spot for additional hard drive/ optical drives. So, that being said... Turn the system off and open the case. There should be three wide cables (one that is a bit thinner than the other two). The two wider cables are you IDE cables. The one that is presently connected to your old hard drive is the IDE Channel 0 (primary), the other cable is the IDE Channel 1 (Secondary). The Secondary cable should have you CD-Rom(s) connected to it.

    OK, the education portion of this first step... If you already knew this, sorry, but "Any help on if this is possible?" doesn't really let us know how much you know, so no insult intended...

    OK... Read off what you see connected to the two IDE Channels... Hard drive on the end of IDE 0, CD-Rom on the end of IDE 1?
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