Do you think I've lost this WU?

CryptoCrypto W.Sussex UK Member
edited November 2005 in Folding@Home
Hi chaps,

been having some trouble with my pc at work, I think IT have been playing with security.

I have this WU that just will not send. It seems to me that the format of the server ID is wrong (I've highlighted in red). Perhaps it got corrupted somehow.

I've had completed WUs since and they all send OK.

Launch directory: C:\Program Files\Folding@Home
Arguments: -forceasm

By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding
safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to
do this, please restart the program without -forceasm.
If work units are not completing fully (and particularly
if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue
use of the flag.

[08:05:47] - Ask before connecting: No
[08:05:47] - User name: Crypto (Team 93)
[08:05:47] - User ID: 2756E39D28ECEE34
[08:05:47] - Machine ID: 1
[08:05:48] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:05:48] Initialization complete
[08:05:48] + Benchmarking ...
[08:05:51] + Processing work unit
[08:05:51] Core required: FahCore_78.exe
[08:05:51] Core found.

[08:05:51] + Attempting to send results
[08:05:51] Working on Unit 00 [November 7 08:05:51]
[08:05:51] + Working ...
[08:05:53] *
[08:05:53] Folding@Home Gromacs Core
[08:05:53] Version 1.86 (August 28, 2005)
[08:05:53] Preparing to commence simulation
[08:05:53] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
[08:05:53] - Not checking prior termination.
[08:05:54] - Expanded 200785 -> 978017 (decompressed 487.0 percent)
[08:05:55] Project: 1712 (Run 6, Clone 39, Gen 2)
[08:05:55] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[08:05:55] Entering M.D.
[08:06:16] (Starting from checkpoint)
[08:06:16] Protein: p1712_TZ2_nat_r3055
[08:06:16] Writing local files
[08:07:01] Completed 480000 out of 2000000 steps (24)
[08:07:01] Extra SSE boost OK.
[08:09:16] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[08:09:16] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[08:09:16] (
[08:09:16] - Error: Could not transmit unit 05 (completed November 4) to work server.

[08:09:16] + Attempting to send results
[08:12:38] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[08:12:38] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[08:12:38] (
[08:12:38] Could not transmit unit 05 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[08:23:11] Writing local files
[08:23:11] Completed 500000 out of 2000000 steps (25)
[08:40:09] Writing local files
[08:40:09] Completed 520000 out of 2000000 steps (26)

Any thoughts how I can recover it?


Crypto :D


  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    chances are it's a problem with their server over the weekend and they usually end up correcting it early once the week gets started. I wouldn't mess with it just let it stay in que and they'll accept it eventually.
  • CryptoCrypto W.Sussex UK Member
    edited November 2005
    Just an update for anybody following this thread with a similar problem.

    I've had a reply from the folding community forum and the concensus is that the server address is corrupted. I'm going to have a go at changing the queue.dat file with a hex editor to see if I can redirect it. Wish me luck :)


    Crypto :D
  • CryptoCrypto W.Sussex UK Member
    edited November 2005
    :D:D Success :D:D

    The problem was a corrupted server address. Got the right address from the project summary at Standford.
    Hardest part was finding the right bit in the Hex file of Queue.dat and altering it. :scratch:

    WU has now gone off to the right place, 136 points :)


    Crypto :D
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