A Bit disappointed with a good outlook :) Lets Fold Fold Fold!

Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
edited November 2005 in Folding@Home
From the recent surge in Proc's running for team 93, and our 2 week’s ago results, we were on a straight line path to the top 10 again. So I recently reviewed the numbers from last week, and we have been going down hill. Now I’m just hoping all of out towers are crunching Gromacs :) but I would really like to encourage anyone with an extra PC no matter how old, to install folding and run even for apart of a day...while you home, or at night. Every PC counts in this race.

I would love to have a cure found off one of SM team 93 machines. We do this for the cause of saving lives and making differences in the lives of people who are affected by the diseases we fold for. So if you fold for not just a competition to get into the top 10. Fold for the millions of people who are effected by these diseases, I’m sure everyone online that will read this knows someone who suffers from one of the diseases we fold for… so with that said, Fold for them guys. Take a good look and ask yourself.. is an extra $7 in power worth the help these people need? I said yes! Will you?

Here is our last 7 days performance I think we did well in allot of areas but really need to get the WU’s flowing. If you look at our Milestone groups we almost have 78% success rate  with almost all categories having +1 or more.


The biggest thing that shocks me is we have 1100 Inactive users. I know allot of those people have moved on or no longer fold. But I would really love to see team 93 hit 400+ current active folders, we have been very successful and I don’t see why we can’t make that success grow….
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