Hard drive data recovery

edited November 2005 in Hardware
Sup All,

Long story short....I screwed up my system! I was working through some issues and was getting frustrated and broke every rule of backing up info-I did not do it. Anyway my question is this.
How can I hook my hard drives up to another system and get them to be recognized by that machine, i.e. drive letters? I have hooked them up with another OS/Machine and I can not see them in my exploere window. I ran a program called data lifeguard on there it sees the drives I just cant get to them through the system. Any suggestions on how I could hook up the drives and recovery the data?
I was running xp prof on my system that crashed.


  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited November 2005
    It won't show up if you have corrupted the file system. Try and find it in disk management and see what it looks like there. If it's not showing in disk management then the drive is dead or not correctly attached via cable and/or jumpers set wrong etc...

    I'm betting you really jacked the partition/file system and its going to show in disk management as corrupted or unknown filesystem etc..

  • edited November 2005
    OK....another stupid question? where do i find disk management again? I am on overload at moment
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited November 2005
    no prob. right click on my computer. then manage. then disk management.

    This is where you normaly go when installing a new drive, creating partitions or formating a disk in XP.

  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited November 2005
    btw... depending on how much data you are trying to recover..... you can send me the drive and I'll recover it for ya.

  • edited November 2005
    where do u look for win 98. Other problem is my computer that crashed was running xp prof and the system i have to try and restore is using win 98. Is htat going to work?

    Thanks for the help by the way!
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited November 2005
    not if you were running ntfs for the XP filesystem and thats the default. win98 doesnt read ntfs file systems. You need win2000 or higher.

  • edited November 2005
    ok I will install win xp on the other system and see if that will work.
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited November 2005
    thats where you need to start anyway.
  • edited November 2005
    Ok bro! OS installed successfully! Hooray

    Now I can see the drive in disk management.....says corrupt files.

    Now what?
  • edited November 2005
    hey just to let you know.... using pci file recovery and it seems to be working. Scanning files now. Hope it works and thanks again :D

    thanks :thumbsup:
  • edited November 2005
    Not working that well, lol

    Files that I could see were all scrambled. I am trying to get the OS onto another larger HD so I can save the files over. Having trouble with that now.

    Thanks again, :bawling:
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited November 2005
    did you try and repair the filesystem? DO THAT before trying to recover!

  • edited November 2005
    :scratch: ok, another dumb question. How do I repair file system?

    Also got the new OS on the New HD all good to this point. Got the two old drives hooked up. How should the jumber setting be if I were running the two old ones in raid stripping.
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited November 2005
    wait. Your trying to recover files that were in a striped raid set? raid-0 or raid-1?

    Difficulty factor just shot way up and your chances went way down.

  • edited November 2005
    raid 0 is stripping I believe. how do you think the jumpers should be set for each hard drive. :wtf:
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited November 2005
    cable select.

    But most data recovery software does not work on a raid-0 volume either. Thats why your stuff all looked scrambled. because it was striped across two drives. So your stuff is now just crap. That data from ONE drive your trying to save has to be in a very specific EXACT location on another drive. You can't save stuff using data recovery software from one drive. You have to recover from BOTH drives to get the whole file off...meaning you need recovery software that supports raid-0.

    look here for the software


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