Can I install Windows from an upgrade cd?
I totally erased my hardrive and need to reinstall Windows xp. I only have, apparently, the upgrade cd because it doesn't work. Do I need to install - say Windows 95, then upgrade?
Microsoft thought of that. People sometimes have irreparable file damage or failed hard drives and basically need to do a complete reinstall- but from an Upgrade CD. So MS will allow you to reinstall from an Upgrade disk IF you have your previous OS installation disk. As Bluknight said- it has to be Win98 or later. If you need to, you can borrow a friends.
At some point during the installation it will say that a previous version of Windows is not found- OK. You should just continue. It should then prompt you for the previous OS installation CD. It's simply a matter of swapping CDs until the install program verifies your disk. Once you do that- swap it back and it should follow normal installation.
As a footnote- a good rule is to always hang on to your last previous version of whatever program for this very reason (another one is upgrade rebates