Need graphic card/monitor advice

Ok all, I know a lot about computers except when it comes to the video part. I've never been a gamer so I've never had to concern myself with the graphics card issue. On board video has always been fine for me. 
What I want to do now is get two 19" monitors and run them off of the same graphics card. To top this off, I want the graphics card to be fairly decent but definitely not top of the line. So...
1) What is the cheapest/decent graphics card that will run two 19" monitors at the same time?
2) Where are the best deals for a couple of 19" monitors LCD or CRT?
3) Is there performance gains of AGP over PCI or viceversa?

What I want to do now is get two 19" monitors and run them off of the same graphics card. To top this off, I want the graphics card to be fairly decent but definitely not top of the line. So...
1) What is the cheapest/decent graphics card that will run two 19" monitors at the same time?
2) Where are the best deals for a couple of 19" monitors LCD or CRT?
3) Is there performance gains of AGP over PCI or viceversa?
That, my friend, is a good question!! :o
I know my MB has AGP and it has PCI slots but I'm not sure about PCIe. I have an Intel board, D865GBF. Specs listed HERE.
Which is better, AGP or PCI?
Also, is DVI the better connection route?
Your board does not have PCIe slots, just the older PCI. So, a AGP card is the only route.
DVI is better but they only work on LCD monitors (that have a DVI input). The difference (to me) is not noticeable, but my eyes aren't the greatest.
Low end card -$70.00 from Newegg One DVI & One Analog output
Mid Level - $126.00 from Newegg dual DVI outputs and MUCH faster, more memory... Nice card. not top of the line but not too far from the top. Better than any of my cards.
The ATI cards will do this fine. Either the 9800pro or the X800GT.
You can drive two monitors, either CRTs or LCDs.
You can drive two analog monitors, or one analog and one digital.
As for the monitors I am still a CRT guy.
They are bright, fast, crisp, and have good color reproduction.
The catch is that good CTRs are getting hard to find. The last one that I bought was used, coming off of a lease. The days of high resolution CRTs are ending.
LCD - NEC, Samsung are both top notch as is Dell