pc locking up

edited November 2005 in Hardware
hi i have a 1.4 processor with xp and 40gb hard drive.i have had problems recently with my pc freezing .at the same time i can hear the hard drive slow and stop.it will sometimes start again and recover at othertimes it stops altogerther.i have had to recover my hard drive in set up as my pc will not boot up aftersuch an incident.the problem is intermittant,i have a feeling it is mechanical,overheating,faultyhard drive?
help warby


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2005
    Get the diagnostic software from your Hard Drive manufacturer and run it. If you need help finding it, tell me the name of the drive manufacturer and I'll point you to it. :)
  • edited November 2005
    cheers i will find out
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