Boosting wireless connection?

I have an internal PCI Wireless NIC, I wanna build a new antenna for it cuase my signal is sporadic due to where I have my PC located which is non-negotiable in where I can put it.
I would like to get it done pretty quickly, but dunno what is involved. Any links to sites that show homemade antenna's would be great
I would like to get it done pretty quickly, but dunno what is involved. Any links to sites that show homemade antenna's would be great

I got the Netgear one, Its awesome.
I have an Intel 2200BG Internal wireless NIC and my common spot in the house best I could get was initial connect 54 but after connect and surfing it would go down to poor quality and 1.1 to 24. That was using the Linksys WRTG what ever it was with the Dipole 7db add-on antennas. I even made one of those parabolic antennas which did help but it would only give me the 1.1 to 24 poor to good quality signal.
So I replaced it with the new Netgear with the seven internal antennas and uses the MIMO technology with the added feature of the beams of all seven antennas are constantly evaluating interference to the wireless NIC that it automatically adjusts the beam angles through out the range. It will even bounce the signals off walls and stuff, or at least that’s what I read about it... All I know is that I am now getting 54megs with an excellent quality signal.
With QWEST high speed I can do speed test from my wireless laptop in my common place and get DNL speeds at aver 5.6meg with 766 up. It is much faster, and there is a boot thing that I think really works because I have transferred intra-net files at 100Meg so the boost thing must work even if the nic is not the netgear wireless nic.
After suffering with the other router and the dead spots I wish I had just had this router to begin with... now if I could just find a compatible QWEST DSL modem that actually works, I'd be golden...
Love the high-speed DSL but the new ActionTech's are terrible. My new from the factory came with the built in feature of only looking for website
and then would lose connection, then the referbed they gave me for sending me the first broken new one the connection would lock in at 126K dn and 512K up, yes that us K and it is better up then down... Now I have another referbed that does and will also lock on at the lower speed and a old school 4 port ActionTech dsl modem that works flawlessly except that it just disconnects its self after a couple of days or so... but for the time its up it works awesome...
I guess I have to use either an ActionTech modem or a Cisco but I hear that the Cisco’s are expensive and bulky is that true?