Need ideas for offsite backup storage !!!!

MissilemanMissileman Orlando, Florida Icrontian
edited November 2005 in Hardware
I recently did a "poor mans" backup scheme at a Doctor's office.

Let me see if I can explain it so it makes sense. The server has 3 hard drives in it. HD1 is partitioned with a C and a D (data) drive. HD2 is daily backup drive. HD3 is redudndant backup drive.

Acronis Images D every night to HD2 incrememntal.

Acronis Images C & D full backup to HD2 every Saturday.

Acronis Images HD2 to HD3 incremental evey Sunday

Acronis Images HD2 to HD3 full backup every 1st of month.

Now I think this setup does a pretty good job of protecting there billing and book keeping data and can pretty much redo entire system in less than 15 minutes if required, but I want to add 1 more layer. I want to be able to copy HD3 to a remote site say weekly.

Server is really running only XP Pro and budget is basically non existent. I know I need to get about 8-10 GB storage space. Any ideas as the best way to do this?

Could I set the server for a remote internet connection and bring the data to a network storage device here on my network? Or should I look into moving it to a hosted data center based location? Automation is a real plus. I can't depend on anyone in the office as their "tech IQ" is like most places and falls in the low to none category.

Office has 6mb down / 1mb upload DSL line so bandwidth should be ok.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    we offer managed hosted remote backup. I'll PM you
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited November 2005
    we offer managed hosted remote backup. I'll PM you
    Go with a proper managed provider like the man Prime here ^^^ :)
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