FCC Supports A La Carte TV Pricing

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin has stated that the FCC will soon be releasing a report stating that customized channel packages per customer will be economically feasible and in the best interest of consumers.
Source: CNETBut cable TV companies have argued that pricing individual channels would result in fewer choices for all consumers. They believe that a la carte pricing would make it too expensive to offer less-popular channels that presently are bundled with popular channels.
Martin said he doesn't plan to push the industry to adopt a new business model, but he suggested that more restrictions on basic cable programming be added if the industry doesn't offer consumers more choice.
I like the idea of being able to only buy channels you'd like, but at the same time, I don't want to be forced to pay some exorbant price for it either...
You're not 'forced' to buy cable at all. I don't have cable or satellite, and I do just fine.
I have every last dad-blasted channel that Adelphia offers. The reason? My GF wanted HBO & Showtime and once you buy those you might as well get the premium package. When I lived in Charlottesville, VA, (Adelphia there, too), I called to cancel all the crap that neither of us ever watch. When I was done pruning out the dead weight they informed me that the bill was actually going to increase by about five bucks.
At least I still get the Oxygen channel...
i mean this a la carte cable pricing would have been brilliant 10 years ago before people started dl'ing tv. now it just seems like too little too late.
It would raise prices by up to 30% because instead of buying filters that filter a range of frequencies, they would have to buy filters that filter out specific frequencies as well as buying new equipment that would have to support several filters for each connection to a house.