SLI setup question
My understanding of SLI is that I can setup SLI with different GPU's, ex: 6600GT + 6800. But that it will only run the 6800 or whatever card you have in as fast as the slowest one. Is this true?
The reason I ask is becuase the 6800 is so cheap like $10 more than the 6600GT but can be softmod'd and I am thinking I can get one 6800 now and a second later and progressivly upgrade that way. I know my setup wouldn't benefet right now, but when I do get a second 6800 or better then I would have that much more speed.
Say for example I get a 7800GTX(I AM MERELY POSING AN EXAMPLE!!!!) to go SLI with my 6600GT, for now the 7800GTX would run at 6600GT speed, but later on when I get a second 7800GTX or better I'd have a dual 7800GTX setup in theory.
I know the 7800GTX would beat the utter living crap outta a 6600GT setup, but I wanted an extremme example and it doesn't get more extremme than that
The reason I ask is becuase the 6800 is so cheap like $10 more than the 6600GT but can be softmod'd and I am thinking I can get one 6800 now and a second later and progressivly upgrade that way. I know my setup wouldn't benefet right now, but when I do get a second 6800 or better then I would have that much more speed.
Say for example I get a 7800GTX(I AM MERELY POSING AN EXAMPLE!!!!) to go SLI with my 6600GT, for now the 7800GTX would run at 6600GT speed, but later on when I get a second 7800GTX or better I'd have a dual 7800GTX setup in theory.
I know the 7800GTX would beat the utter living crap outta a 6600GT setup, but I wanted an extremme example and it doesn't get more extremme than that
