
Finishing up the System: board suggestions

edited December 2005 in Hardware
Hey guys, I emailed newegg about the problems with the Mobo. This mobo I got is defective I believe due the the multiple fails on good ram sticks. These are the specs

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ ClawHammer 800MHz FSB Socket 754 Processor for DTR Notebooks Model AMA3200BEX5AR - OEM

PNY Optium 2700 DDR 400 2x512

Geforce fx 5500 256mb.

Hitatchi Deskstar 80gb

old CD-RW

ZALMAN CNPS7000B-ALCU 92mm 2 Ball Cooling Fan - Retail

Aspire ATX PSU 450w

This is for a friend which I have had for awhile b/c he is stupid and didnt said he wanted to order parts as time goes on..

I want to hurry up and get this stupid PC to him so i can get the rest of the money and not have him bother me. So yeah, I need a mobo that will just run these things, good for gaming and no OCing. Price max i $95. I have the epox 8KDA series now and its defective.

QUESTION: if it boots and everything, stays on the CPU is good right? or can there still be damage?


  • edited December 2005
    I have 2 of the DFI NF3 250Gb mobo's in 2 dedicated folding rigs and both are running mobile 3000+ procs with no problems. It's pushing your price point a bit though at $100.50 delivered from Newegg though. I know that you said no overclocking and these boards will run just fine at stock speeds, but why a mobile A64 proc if you don't overclock it then? I had no problems setting them up and they do overclock like a mofo, with great options for overclocking and tweaking memory in bios. It also comes with rounded cables and other neat stuff too like gigabit lan and firewire.
  • edited December 2005
    He might be going with the mobile proc since they have 1meg of L2 cache for cheaper than the cheapest desktop proc with it.
  • GobblesGobbles Ventura California
    edited December 2005
    id be concerned about the hitachi deathstar 80gig. I got about 6 of them, 4 of which failed after 1 month.
  • edited December 2005
    Its for a friend and I after making it for him I wont be doing anything to it. If it were mine i woiuld OC it

    I used this same kind hitatchi in my brothers PC and its been about a year now. still working
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited December 2005
    aznherb36 wrote:
    Its for a friend and I after making it for him I wont be doing anything to it. If it were mine i woiuld OC it

    I used this same kind hitatchi in my brothers PC and its been about a year now. still working
    Hes a lucky man tell him to buy a lottery ticket.
  • edited December 2005
    Is he really? I put the system together myself :D

    I had this PC for awhile now, stupid mobo problems.

    Ok tell me, I just got ths epox mobo and tested perfect ram in it and each one it said like 6 thousand errors. try the ram in another pc and passes 100% (MEMTEST)

    boots up to CD and thats where it freezes all the time. WILl you guys say its the mobo?
  • edited December 2005
    Sounds to me like that Epox board doesn't want to play nice with your ram to me. Have you tried all the different ram slots and see if you get any better stability?
  • edited December 2005
    yup, tried all ram slots, and different kind of ram as well
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