F@H Work Folder Divorce?

GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
edited December 2005 in Folding@Home
Is it possible to seperate the work folder and the work from the Folding application itself? The reason I ask is that I am going to reformat my system soon, and I plan on making three different OS partitions - One will be booting off of WinXP 64-bit, the second will be a Vista Beta partition, and the third (really the third, fourth, and fifth) will be some form of Linux, so that I can learn it.

I'm not sure how heavily I'll be using each OS at any given time, so I'd like for them all to be able to work on the same Folding WUs, each OS being able to pick up where the last left off. Is this possible?



  • JonshandbrakeJonshandbrake PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA Member
    edited December 2005
    G'day GHoosdum

    I have saved folding on many occasions before I have had to format.

    I just make sure the client is turned off and EM3 if you run it. And just 'move' the whole folder holding folding to a safe place to return later. Once I had no space anywhere so burn't it to a cd.

    Then all you have to do is set it up to start again the same way as you did it the beginning. (i.e. sending WU console to the start up menu with the usual flags you use)

    But I only use Windows XP so I have no idea if these folders will start up and work with another system. Though I can't see any reason why not. But I am sure someone more proficient with the other OP systems will be able to clarify that for you.

    Hope this helps a little

  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Thanks for the info, Sally. I'm pretty sure you're right - I've moved the work folder between PCs when I built new systems, and it picked back up without a hitch. The same will probably work between OS'es on the same PC.

    And, by the way, CONGRATS on your recent conquest of first place.

    You know, you and Jon are our heroes around here. :thumbsup:
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Also.... you can save the unique id that Stanford issues to each PC. Export this registry entry and after you move the folder, run the .reg and stanford will think nothing has changed. Keeps the Number of CPU's down on stanford's page. :thumbsup:

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