memory problem!
amd2500+ on a gigabyte 7n400L board running on kingston 256x2
keep getting a blue screen when i put in 2 more sticks of kingstonVR 256 ram. (KVR333x64C25/256).. sometimes it just says driver error rebooting, sometimes i get PFN_LIST_CORRUPT.
i really dont know what to do. it works fine in safe mode. im using the latest drivers from nvidia's nforce.
maybe i should be using something else?
keep getting a blue screen when i put in 2 more sticks of kingstonVR 256 ram. (KVR333x64C25/256).. sometimes it just says driver error rebooting, sometimes i get PFN_LIST_CORRUPT.
i really dont know what to do. it works fine in safe mode. im using the latest drivers from nvidia's nforce.
maybe i should be using something else?
Do the 2 new sticks work int he rig when they are alone together?
You could run memtest86 on each set of sticks and if they all work ok then run it again with them all together. You may need some bios adjustments but I'm not familiar w/ that board.
A memory fault is almost always either bad memory (which memtest indicates is not your problem), or a driver trying to access a memory range reserved for something else. With the full error message we can probably figure out which particular driver you need to look at.
That should give you all the time you need.
I can't open your attachment for some reason to look at the error message. Perhaps you could just type it in?
pw: jessica
no, that is not me, lol. just click on BSOD
some random pics i took last night using what ive got. camera phone. ive been getting a bunch of different errors. im really considering just reformatting and re-installing everything at this point. ive got this nasty virus i can't get rid of which im trying to get help from as well.
maybe even just dump this pc altogether.
One of the screenshots of the BSOD says the problem lies with the file ati2dvag.dll, part of the ATi video driver set.
JCavero, see if this fix is helpful. If you still have problems I'd recommend you get the latest driver for your video card. If you are already using the latest driver, try rolling it back to an earlier one.
There is another screen which indicates a problem with shlddrv,sys, a component of the Sygate Firewall. See if temporarily disabling it makes a difference.
actually. i think it might be the mobo. in one of the screens with the slots, the 2 empty ones always give me problems. i can't put anything in them without putting in the first two. nor can i add 2 in the front and 1 in the last green slot alone. the orange 3rd one also gives me problems on every ram chip i have. might just be the slots on the mobo?