Getting a new LCD for Christmas
I'm looking to get a new LCD for Christmas along with a new sata HD (Or at least convince my parents to get me one). I've narrowed it down to these two-
Hyundai L90D+
Viewsonic 1912wb
I guess the only real difference is widescreen for the viewsonic. I can't seem to find any reviews but the Hyundai is reviewed quite well (As is the lower non-DVi version of that monitor). Any experiences with either one or experiences with widescreen vs. regular??
Hyundai L90D+
Viewsonic 1912wb
I guess the only real difference is widescreen for the viewsonic. I can't seem to find any reviews but the Hyundai is reviewed quite well (As is the lower non-DVi version of that monitor). Any experiences with either one or experiences with widescreen vs. regular??
That's awesome!!!
If money wasn't an issue (boy if that were the case... ), I'd go with the Hyundai. It has far more positive reviews, and it just plain looks better.