Screen flickering at 70-75hz

Like the title says. My screen flickers on the lower right at a refresh rate of 70-75hz at any resolution. It's a 17" Dell M781p/M781mm (what display properties says). I normally use 1280x1024 @ 75hz (highest refresh rate at that res). Highest the monitor goes is 1600x1200 @ 60hz. Would it be a monitor, video card, driver or cable problem?
Reset to no avail
I do want to mention it's also on another monitor though, with a lower refresh rate setting.
Ahh! You just reminded me that when I was having problems, my video cable was laying on top of my surge protector.
You might try moving that cable and see if it helps.
Sounds like external.
Does the cable disconnect from the monitor?
Try another cable. If this one got squeezed or bent it could also give rise to distortion.
So if your graphics card requires a second power connector, take a look at your PSU...
Anyway, what video card do you have now?