Want to create a cd/dvd with Windows updates

DoctorGeo2008DoctorGeo2008 Flint, MI
edited January 2006 in Science & Tech
I would like to create a CD(s) with all of the Windows updates. I am constantly fixing computers for people that don't have the latest updates and a lot of times they are on dial up connections. Even if they are on high speed it would still be faster for me if I could have them on a CD. So, can I download all of the updates and put them on a CD to be installed on other computers? If so.. How would I know which ones to install? Would it be best to just install SP1 and SP2 and have the individual install the other updates themselves?




  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    There is a place on microsoft that will send you the updates on disc. that is how I got SP2. but they offer all the updates oon disc for free. as some people do not have internet. i will see if I can find the link or something
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    Hey Doc Geo... PM me and I'll send you a copy of my ISO with all the patches for WinXP and the script I use to install the patches...

  • DoctorGeo2008DoctorGeo2008 Flint, MI
    edited January 2006
    Awesome!! Thanks! PM on it's way.
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