counter-strike mod?????

Red-DawnRed-Dawn Been kidnapped and being held hostage in Edinburgh
edited June 2003 in Hardware
Looking for pics of a counter-strike mod that was posted on icrontic maybe a yr ago, it was before the last crash anyways cause i remember looking for it before icrontic went down and couldn't find it.

Any1 any idea who did the mod or could the culprit step forward:P


  • dodododo Landisville, PA
    edited June 2003
  • Red-DawnRed-Dawn Been kidnapped and being held hostage in Edinburgh
    edited June 2003
    Don't think thats it, as far as i remember it was done by 1 of the regular members on icrontic.

    The mod itself was the outline of an anti-terrorists cut into the side using that hole punch tool i think not too sure thou
  • dodododo Landisville, PA
    edited June 2003
    Ah, I do not remember that, nor can i find it on google.

  • KilJaedenKilJaeden USA
    edited June 2003
    I think I remember what case you are talking about. Did it have a brick type pattern cut somewere on the side of the case. Not covering it all, just a small area in like the bottom right of the case, next to a cutout off the counter strike guy. Am I thinking of the right case?
  • Red-DawnRed-Dawn Been kidnapped and being held hostage in Edinburgh
    edited June 2003
    It might have done, i just remember the cut-out of the counter-strike guy and was lookin for pics for a friend whos thinkin of doin summit similar
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