Linux\Unix AV technology shakeup.
Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
In the Linux world, some of us like to run AV partly to protect our frioends with Windows computers. I run GeCAD's AV for Desktop (Linux) version. GECAD sold RAV for Windows technology to Microsoft, Microsoft decided to only dev it for Widnows, and the Linux\Unix dev folks involved with RAV promptly moved to Kaspersky and took the Unix\Linux RAV technology and dev knowledge for Linux\Unix with them. Kapsersky welcomed devs from a foprmer very fierce competitor into its fold, they are now Kaspersky employees, and Kaspoersky is offering to transition GeCAD RAV customers from the Linux\Unix arena to its software for 50% off. So, the Linux\Unix RAV customers did get a decent deal after all. Note, RAV sales were suspended, no new customers possible for RAV to take advantage of this, but Kaspersky is as good as RAV.