exe and lnk files do not work

edited January 2006 in Hardware
philt wrote:

Windows boots up fine. However all the links on the Start menu do not work. When you click on these shortcuts it asks for a name of a program to open it with. The same happens with exe, com, bat and other types of files. However when you doubleclick on a doc file it starts up Word and opens the file correctly.

Also for some reason the Internet (Firefox) and Email (Outlook) icons on the Start Menu still function correctly.

It seems to me that the registry has got corrupted and the entries that relate to opening programs are missing (?). But I can't open regedit.exe to take a look or fix it.

System restore has not fixed the problem. Also I tried to repair the Windows XP installation using the XP boot disc but this didn't have any effect either.

Any suggestions?
Phil :confused:

The above is exactly my situation, however the remedy that was suggested which was to run the following code did not work:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@=""%1" %*"

One difference, which may or may not make a difference between our situations is that during the windows welcome screen, a window pops up that appears blank wtih a couple of incomprehensible symbols in the title bar. I am forced to push an OK button before getting to my desktop.

unlike Phil, i tried repairing windows using the cd that came with my computer, but when i clicked the button to reinstall windows, nothing happened.
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