The most efficient backup strategy?

indigoflow_asindigoflow_as Westerville, OH
edited January 2006 in Hardware
so, i find myself tweaking my PC often and it seems sensitive to such the point where something seems to corrupt and i can no longer boot windows. i've had to reformat my OS partition twice due to something dumb i must have done (install beta drivers/mess with the bios too much).

i have all of my applications/games/media installed on the other partition...but with the reinstall of XP, i find myself reinstalling the applications and games again (is that necessary?)

in addition, i was wondering what the best backup strategy would be so that i dont have to worry about these corruptions. is there an automated strategy to where i can have the OS partition backed up every other day/every week to lets say another HDD or two?

enlighten me, if you need me to elaborate...just ask. thanks in advance.


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