Balancing shared video ram - Help :)

edited January 2006 in Hardware
My laptop has 512 megs of ram total , with a radion 9000IGP video card that currently is set to use 64 megs of that 512, bringing me to 448 .

My question is, for gaming which would be the optimal setting, 32, 64, or 128 megs of video ram ; considering with each boost my system ram goes down.


  • edited January 2006
    Get another 512 stick and set the video share to 128. Either way if the textures it's trying to render exceed the amount of allocated ram they'll shunt into system memory anyways so no matter what you'll end up losing ram to the card. The nice thing about having it allocated with a higher amount is that it reserves a contiguous block of ram addresses so the frame buffer memory isn't fragmented whereas is you've allocated too little and it's constantly dumping overflow into the system memory it's going to be scattered thoughout the address registers and take longer to be addressed and retrieved.
  • edited January 2006
    Ahh thanks, i'd like to get another 512 stick but unfortunatly 256 of the memory is what it came with and is inaccesable , and when I upgraded I only added 256, and took up the last memory slot available.

    So I'd have 786 ram if I removed the 256 I added and put in a 512, but regardless moneys tight right now and that's not an option, but thanks for the tip about it overflowing into system ram :)
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