I just edited my sig to take out the quote at the end to make it a bit smaller, and now the banner for my F@H stats isn't there! I even went back to the generator page to make a new one, but that won't work either!
I am trying to build my own signature right now, but that fix is not working for me. When I save it just puts the url thing right back in where I took it out from.
Anything I can do to fix it?
Im going to take a look & see if I can stop the auto-parsing of URL's in signatures. That is what is causing the problem..!
And the sig killer go'eth away
Thanks Matt
Looks like Prof needs to tell the engravers to prepare another 100K Plaque.
Talking about sigs, Like my userbars? (the short-media one), btw i didnt make it, the ppl at userbars.com did
My F@H banners arent working either... any way I can fix them?
Thanks Prof! Much apreciated!
Props to Keebs for figuring it out and sharing the love.
For future reference, see my signature fixer post. :woowoo:
I did read your fix it thread, but these tired oldish eyes....(and the part in the code that said do not edit.)