and I ended up here....

mr_prmr_pr Loughborough, UK
edited January 2006 in Science & Tech

This is quite a growing thread now!

I have finally traced it to a driver. I started with no clue. After help and research i have identified it as i driver that it creating alot of DPCs and Interrupts (is that the right terminology?). SO many infact my CPU is at 100% use alll the time.

The thread began here!

Then moved to here!!

and very briefly touched here!!!

However like i said i beliee this drivers forum is the correct place....

So can anyone help?!


  • zero-counterzero-counter Linux Lubber San Antonio Member
    edited January 2006
    Do me a favor...reboot into safemode with bootlogging and paste a copy of the ntbtlog.txt here so we can see what drivers are being loaded. This will state is something is failing to load or causing a problem on reboot.

    While you are there in safemode, run the msconfig utility and on the general tab, select the diagnostic startup option. Reboot and see if windows has cut down on the cpu usage. If it has, then there may be a program in the startup group that is running and causing this problem. While in safemode, the cpu usage should be normal as well. If you determine that when windows loads with everything selected under the startup tab, you will have to undergo a process of elimination approach. Once you load the ntbtlog.txt, we can ask what you need and don't need to be running.

    You could also try using the system restore option to go back to a previous day when this was not happening, if you determine that the above procedure did not work. But a service and or startup program might be the cause of your problems.

    Some questions for you...
    1. Have you added anything recently, software or hardware?
    2. Made any updates to the system?
    3. Running a software based overclocking utility?
  • mr_prmr_pr Loughborough, UK
    edited January 2006

    how do i boot into safemode WITH bootlogging? Or is that just standard.

    I know what it is that is causing the problem. It is the network card. If you follow the other threads it leads to this.

    Answers to your questions.
    1) No
    2) No, apart from usual windows auto updates
    3) No


    I will try a differant wireless network card soon to see if it effects anything.

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