Strange Behavior in MS Access

GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
edited January 2006 in Science & Tech
I'm trying to localize a copy of a database we have at work. Right now, there is one copy on the network drive. It's set up strangely - the previous developer set it up to overwrite the main table each time a user replenishes the data files (CSV) that two of the db's linked tables link to. This is because it's only used for faster data access in a macro that runs in Excel.

Anyway, when I copy this database from the network drive to my local drive, the Query that populates the main data table changes. No matter how I do the copy, straight file copy or exporting the query from the network drive copy to the local drive copy, the query changes, and it changes in such a way that it causes an error when I try to run the query.

Strangely, if I keep the data sources linked to the CSV files on the network drive, it runs fine locally, but pulls from the networked drive sources. If I change the linked data sources to pull from local copies, then the query chokes.

Any suggestions?

//edit: OK, right after I posted I solved the problem. I updated the linked data sources seperately on the networked drive, zipped the file, then copied the ZIP locally, unzipped it, and the query luckily had not changed. Whew.
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