A Long Overdue "Thank You"

profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
edited January 2006 in Folding@Home
While we've been doing a pretty fair job of rolling out new SMx Project computers on a regular basis, I have been remiss in thanking the people who have made it possible to do so - the SMx Parts Donors.

In order to correct this oversight, I would like to list some of the donations we have received lately. If I inadvertently leave anyone out, please send me a PM so I can get you on the list.

For those who have been paying attention, a lot of this hardware is going to look familiar - it's already been shipped to a Host and is currently Folding for Team 93. If you've been particularly observant you will probably be able to figure out that thanks to the generosity of our members we have even more rigs in the pipeline.


From QCH2002 we have received the following:
Asrock K7VM3 MB (With extras)
Athlon 1400 CPU
Athlon XP 1700+ CPU
Athlon XP 2100+ CPU
ATi Radeon 7000 64MB Video Card
Maxtor Draco II 10.2GB HD
(2) Kingston 512MB PC2100
(2) Socket 462 HSF
Antec SL300S 300W PSU
Premier Plus by ATNG AP-350TX 350W PSU
Thanks again, my friend. I forgive you for the horrible thing you just did to me. :vimp:


Winga answered the call for what has typically been one of our biggest needs, RAM. He sent us this:
(2) Kingston 512MB PC2100
It's been a longtime desire of mine to be able to put an SMx computer on every continent. We currently have Folding machines in Europe, Australia, and North America. Thanks to Winga's awesome donation we can now say that we have a contribution from Africa. Thank you very much, teammate. :thumbsup:


Donut shipped me so much stuff that when I saw the box I thought they were delivering a refrigerator. Take a look at this:
Thermaltake Purepower HPC-420-102 DF
Antec Model PP-300X
Athlon XP 2000+
Athlon XP 2000+
Athlon XP 1900+
(2) 3Dlabs Oxygen VX1 (PCI)
ATi Xpert 128 ???
Kreton Blitz series DDR433 512MB (256MB X 2)
512 MB PC133
512MB Micron PC2700
Chaintech Model #??? VT8363
Abit NF7-S
Soyo Dragon Ultra Platinum Ed. (KT400-8235)
WDC WD153BA 15.3GB
WDC AC26400 6.4GB
Maxtor 90G80D4 6.8GB
Those with a sharp eye realize that this constitutes three entire rigs. What can I say, but thanks a ton, buddy. :respect:


Besides parts, it takes money to buy the cases for these babies and to ship them out to Hosts around the world. Once again, Team 93 has come through.

The future of the SMx Project looks very bright, and it is thanks to all the generous people who have supported it. You guys are the best! :)



  • scottscott Medina, Ohio Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    Yes we do have a great team.

    And my thanks go out to all that have sent in parts for the project !! :thumbsup: We could not do it without all the generous support of our members.


    We also could not do it with out your stellar leadership as the "Parts Manager " I can't even imagine the amount of stuff you have "on the bench" and in boxes waiting to go on the bench.

    You are the "Ring Leader" in this 3 ring circus .

    Please do not sell yourself short. WE DON'T

    We could not do it with out you buddy.

    Thanks a millon

    Team 93 Rocks

  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited January 2006

    Good remarks...Without Prof's dedication to the team, SMx would be a mere shadow of today. Prof, aside from being a great friend, you are a outstanding team motivator, team cheerleader (No Photochop picture needed)... thank you.

    Everyone that donated, thank you. I foresee SMx hitting SM40 without breaking a sweat. GO TEAM!!!
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    profdlp wrote:
    Thanks again, my friend. I forgive you for the horrible thing you just did to me. :vimp:


    Very generous guys ...very good cause! :rockon:
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited January 2006
    I have some spare ram that I've been meaning to send in to you. If you guys can use them i have a stick of ddr pc2700 256mb, and a 10 gig hd(if its big enough), and somewhere around my house a stick of ddr pc 3200 256mb stick. I also have some older sdr 256mb (not sure of hte speed, doesnt say on the sticker)

    profdlp could you send me a pm about where to ship it to?
  • WingaWinga Mr South Africa Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    Prof what can we say

    You hold down a regular job, organise SMx parts from all over the world :D find time to post milestones for Everyone (and those are coming through hard and fast now) give a lot of feeback and advice on the forums and a lot more behind the scenes that makes short-media such an amazing place to hang out.

    Do you ever sleep???

    You rock buddy:Rocker: :Rocker: :Rocker: :Rocker:
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited January 2006
    Thank-YOU Prof,

    BTW, did we ever get the picture of SMX central? (Your workbench.)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited January 2006
    Donut wrote:
    ...did we ever get the picture of SMX central? (Your workbench.)
    Forgive the 1MP camera, but here are shots of three on the bench, two more on a shelf, plus one under a workstation:
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    You are truely talented... I cannot seem to get my "c:fold:gs" to stay floating above SM19? :scratch:
  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    Wow! That's some sweet action.
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited January 2006
    How do you guys have so many parts to send it. Lol the only thing I have are a few spare sticks of ram....then again im broke and in highschool so it makes sense.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited January 2006
    QCH2002 wrote:
    You are truely talented... I cannot seem to get my "c:fold:gs" to stay floating above SM19? :scratch:
    The cogs are there to give people a fighting chance of figuring out where the rigs are in my blurry pictures, Smarty-Pants... :nudge:
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited January 2006
    tmh88 wrote:
    How do you guys have so many parts to send it. Lol the only thing I have are a few spare sticks of ram....then again im broke and in highschool so it makes sense.

    Your couple of spare sticks of ram probibly helped get a rig running.:thumbsup:

    In my case, over time I had put together a small folding farm. (max 12-14 rigs) Then it came time to move, electricity was included at the old house, but not here. The sub 1 ghz machines I started giving away to friends that could use them as an upgrade for what they already had. Most of the XP rigs went to the SMX project as that is what their primary function was for folding. I still have 3 rigs for myself and 1 for wifee. (all folding).

    Prof, thanks for the pics. I know Sledgehammer was looking for some not to long ago. (and I was curious also, just about how I pictured it.:cool2: )
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited January 2006
    I have my computer folding, and umm thats it for now... I plan on installing it on my parents dell but I need to clean it out first. There alot of dust in it so it runs pretty hot, and the fans are on high(which becomes very loud) whenever the cpu gets hot. Im just lazy, and since my parents only use it for email and such, its not a big problem.

    Its a dell dimension 8300, p4 3.2 ghz, 512mb ram, and i think a 160 gig hdd. Not a bad machine, just needs some dusting.
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited January 2006

    It's about what you are willing to donate. If at Christmas a man walks up to the Salvation Army kettle and drops in a 100.00, does that make your dollar less worthy? When I came to Short-Media, all I had was an old 850mhz machine, it folded until I moved. If I can figure out how to get the local squirrels to run on a treadmill for electricity, I'd fire it back up.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited January 2006
    Donut wrote:
    ...If I can figure out how to get the local squirrels to run on a treadmill for electricity, I'd fire it back up.
    You could probably get them to do it for peanuts. :vimp:
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited January 2006
    Ya but try to keep the little @##$%^'s on the treadmill! They keep running for the woods!
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited January 2006
    I'm definately going to clean it out soon, i just meant whenever I have some time. Ive just been very busy lately with school, and college decisions and stuff. Finals are this week so I'll try to clean it out and have it folding by saturday
  • BLuKnightBLuKnight Lehi, UT Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    Thanks to everyone that donates to Folding. Ya'll rock!
  • DogSoldierDogSoldier The heart of radical Amish country..
    edited January 2006

    And to Prof, one of SM's brightest personalities (And he looks hella sexy in a cheerleaders outfit!)
    A special thankyou.gif
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    Nice "Thank You" Dog Soldier...
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited January 2006
    Thanks, DogSoldier! :wow2:

    If you don't mind, I think that would make a great official award for our SMx Donors. :respect:
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    VERY nice award.
  • DogSoldierDogSoldier The heart of radical Amish country..
    edited January 2006
    Don't thank me. I just wanted to express my appreciation. That and I felt guilty that I never contributed anything to SMx. I almost sent in some hardware back in 04' but events conspired against me. Right now, I'm surrounded by computer parts, none of it my own. I do have a 300Mhz Slotket P2 attached to a unknown mobo, would that help or hinder?

    About the "official award" thingy, I'd like to work on it a bit more. Shoot me a PM and we'll get rolling on it.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited January 2006
    DogSoldier wrote:
    ...About the "official award" thingy, I'd like to work on it a bit more. Shoot me a PM and we'll get rolling on it.
    PM has been shot. :cheers:
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