Computer Freezes at DOT3 Bump Mapping
For some reason whenever I run the 3dMark2001SE benchmark the computer freezes when the DOT3 bump mapping benchmarking begins (the swirling hunk of uhh...something thing hahah) any ideas why this is? my setup is as follows
Radeon 9700 pro w/Catalyst 3.7
AMD AthlonXP 2100+ Stock Speed
KT400 Chipset, just upgraded to latest 4in1
I would think this is probably a software setting problem or something maybe? I just upgraded and reinstalled all my mobo/agp/video card drivers and I got AquaMark running fine.
Radeon 9700 pro w/Catalyst 3.7
AMD AthlonXP 2100+ Stock Speed
KT400 Chipset, just upgraded to latest 4in1
I would think this is probably a software setting problem or something maybe? I just upgraded and reinstalled all my mobo/agp/video card drivers and I got AquaMark running fine.
is it hot while running those benchmarks??
Does the 9700 Pro (ATi branded card) have automated fan speed adjustment? I thought I heard the fan speed changing the other day when I had opened the case and was (trying) to run 3dmark, I thank maybe the fan on this thing is dying, which is kinda ****ty seeing as how I just got this card in january
I saw this on 2 brand new Dells with 9700 pro. They just locked up while benching. Just for fun, i tried the Omega drivers and with them, i had no problem at all to go through the benches. Can you just try the Omegas and see if my theory is right? I know you dont have a Dell but anyway.
If the card isn't warrantied, PM me and I can hook you up with a 9700 Pro stock HSF.
sorry Mackanz, I are teh newb, what is omega drivers?
Now that I've looked at it closer I don't think it could be a cooling issue, because I had the computer off and then ran the test immediately, felt the HSF on the 9700 pro, wasnt even warm yet, and, AquaMark always freezes at the EXACT same point, I dont think a cooling issue would be that exact.
I guess I'm gonna try to reinstall DX9. now..
Though with FW turned on I would get an Infinite loop error at some point in time (entirely random).
That still sounds like FastWrites. Make sure it is turned off in SmartGart as SG WILL override your BIOS settings.
I've got the same mobo and vid card and had the same problem. In my case I solved it by snooping around the KT400's PCI configuration register values. 'PCI Delayed Transaction' was the culprit. I know there is a BIOS option for toggling the value, but the register showed it always on no matter what the BIOS options screen said. So try manually forcing it off.
Search the web for WPCREDIT and the KT400 register template file. Then boot windows run WPCREDIT go to the register at offset 0x70 and set bit 1 to 0. Run your benchmarks and see what happens. If this fixes your problem, you can use WPCRSET to always force this value when windows loads.