bad itunes or ipod?

For some reason my ipod will not update songs. When I plug in my ipod, my computer recognizes it, and even appears in itunes. But for some reason when I tell it to update, it just says really quickly, almost flashes, "updating ipod", but none of the new songs appear on my ipod. I just downloaded the most recent software for my ipod, and it still wont update the songs. I've reset it several times, and i've restarted itunes a few times. I'm pretty sure I have the most recent version of itunes so i dont think that will help. I'm afraid to try and reset the ipod to factory settings because then if it does delete everything off of it, i may not be able to put anything back on at all. I purchased the warrenty thing for it, so if the ipod is messed up they can just fix it....hopefully
anybody have suggestions?
anybody have suggestions?
ok i know what you mean now....I like to have it so i go to the artists, and then pick the songs from there. its organized enough for me.