E3 Gets a Lot Less Sexy
E3's "booth babes" have been banned from wearing skimpy clothing, with a $5,000 fine for the booth's owner if such a woman is seen.
Source: Reuters"What's new in 2006 is an update and clarification of the enforcement policies; as we do from time to time, we have taken steps to ensure that exhibitors are familiar with the policy and how it will be enforced," Mary Dolaher, E3Expo show director, said in an e-mail.
She did not comment on the reasons for the change.
The video game industry has come under fire from federal and local politicians, who want to limit sales of violent and sexually explicit games to minors.
The handbook from the Entertainment Software Association, the show's promoter, says: "Material, including live models, conduct that is sexually explicit and/or sexually provocative, including but not limited to nudity, partial nudity and bathing suit bottoms, are prohibited on the show floor, all common areas, and at any access points to the show."
Unless they want to ban all attractive women from the show and put up signs that say "Mingers Only!"
I wonder if it's just cause Mary Dolaher wants to be invited to Mrs. Clinton's weekly tea party...
Either that or she's a school marm.