Microsoft To Skip Vista Beta 2
Birmingham, UK
Microsoft is planning to rely more on Community Technology Previews for development feedback on Windows Vista, and has two new test builds planned for the next two calendar quarters. There will be no single, catch-all Beta 2 of Vista. Instead, Microsoft is planning to rely increasingly on the CTP builds to get its feedback from Windows testers.
Source: Microsoft WatchThe latest and next two Vista CTPs all will be labeled as "Beta 2" releases. But Allchin said there won't be a single, traditional Beta 2 or any kind of usual "Release Candidates" for Vista as the product moves toward its release to manufacturing, which is still on track for the second half of this year. It will be all CTPs from here on out.
Shorty, you are right and I respect you greatly- hope you're still "walking" great BTW. Just know my thoughts of you as I write this.
I was an XP RC tester and fundamentally- this is no different- except MS now doesn't even have to spend the $ on DK releases.
Professionally speaking- in your profession, you may be able to have things spoonfed to you over the internet, but in mine we can't afford to have a critical update to the autopilot while it is in Autoland. Basically we MUST do things in stages where lots of people on big airplanes are concerned. It is also a trillion dollar industry that M$ is only vaguely aware of. Removing beta and release builds in an industry that basically has to do things on such a basis ... well- it's difficult to manage.
Personally- once again it is a release that I think closes out at least as much of the mainstream public because 1. They don't have the gear, and 2. They don't have the desire, time, or patience to deal with issues they would give to the service department. And these are the people who have the "sense" we would like to see in the software. It IS a tough proposition- but my experience with RC was that MS was more interested in trying to convince me of its ideas and design than listening to mine.
I guess I've just seen too many good ideas I got used to removed or abstracted- (we called it FUBARed).
I think what M$ really needs more than anything else is marketshare competition with a Short-Media attitude that will give them a swift kick in the financial @$$.