Scripting Runtime Error

yossarian084yossarian084 Norwich, VT, USA Member
edited February 2006 in Hardware
I can't seem to install any new programs on my laptop because as its trying to run for the first time I get a "1607 Unable to install Installsheild Scripting Runtime." message on the screen and it stops installing. Any ideas?


  • yossarian084yossarian084 Norwich, VT, USA Member
    edited February 2006
    Still happening. Just trying to istall McAfee from Comcast and I Tunes...
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited February 2006
    Did a Google on your error message.
    "1607 Unable to install Installsheild Scripting Runtime."

    This link might do it for you.
  • yossarian084yossarian084 Norwich, VT, USA Member
    edited February 2006
    I tried the fixes on this page but it wouldn
    t work. When I click Properties for Installer, there is no Security tab, only General, Sharing and Customize.

    There is no Installshield under HKEY LOCAL MACHINE either.
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