Mitsubishi 91TXM (Gateway Vivitron 1100) monitor - no picture
Is anyone familiar with these older Diamond Pro monitors from Mitsubishi? This one had about nine years of excellent use until I powered it on one day. There was a little "pop" and a small dot of intense white light appeared at the center of the display. The light faded away after a few seconds and I haven't been able to get a picture since. A few weeks before it failed, the screen tended to flicker sporadically (high/low brightness).
After this happened I pulled the unit apart and starting checking voltages and connections. I'm not really into electronics, but I learn what I have to. I did not have HV and there was a pulsing noise every few seconds, indicating to me that HV was trying to come up.
It turned out that the horizontal output transistor was bad, so I replaced it. The pulsing sound is gone, HV is working, and I can change the brightness by adjusting the screen voltage on the flyback transformer (displays the horizontal retrace lines). Unfortunately, I am unable to get a real picture when the monitor is plugged into a computer.
I did some searching on the Internet and found a bunch of components that are known to fail on these models (mostly resistors, but a few capacitors). All of them seem to check out fine with my multimeter. Has anyone experienced something like this before? I'm really at a loss as to where I should go next.
After this happened I pulled the unit apart and starting checking voltages and connections. I'm not really into electronics, but I learn what I have to. I did not have HV and there was a pulsing noise every few seconds, indicating to me that HV was trying to come up.
It turned out that the horizontal output transistor was bad, so I replaced it. The pulsing sound is gone, HV is working, and I can change the brightness by adjusting the screen voltage on the flyback transformer (displays the horizontal retrace lines). Unfortunately, I am unable to get a real picture when the monitor is plugged into a computer.
I did some searching on the Internet and found a bunch of components that are known to fail on these models (mostly resistors, but a few capacitors). All of them seem to check out fine with my multimeter. Has anyone experienced something like this before? I'm really at a loss as to where I should go next.