MS Wireless Optical Desktop Elite

edited February 2006 in Hardware
Here's a perplexing thing thats pizzin me off....I got this MS wireless desktop setup a couple weeks ago and everytime I boot up if I don't first enter the bios...and do nothing but enter and then f10 out...when I get to the XP login screen I got no keyboard action :confused2 Mouse works fine but no keyboard input unless I follow the above routine, I got the latest software + drivers from MS too which from what I see are loading during the boot process. So anyway if I follow the routine that I mentioned when I power up everything works just fine if I don't I can reboot and screw with things till the cows come and still no keyboard input...any thoughts ??


  • edited February 2006
    I bought this MS Wireless Optical Desktop Elite for myself on Jan 31st when Future Shop had a web special running...69 I just check and see they have them on for 49 bucks :thumbsup: One of the great things with Future Shop is that they will refund me the 20 for up to 30 days and they don't charge ya 2-3% extra when you pay with plastic. BTW thats a real sour note with me...I make it a point not to shop at, or recommend shopping at, any shops that have those so called 3% cash discounting what a passing the cost of doing business buck crock of **** :whatever:
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