Blue screen--volume is dirty

edited February 2006 in Hardware
I have a Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop and ended up with a blue screen telling me if it had only just happened, to ignore--if not, check to see if any new software/hardware had been added and remove it. Ok, so that happened twice. I tried turning it on and it started normal...Windows XP screen and then the blue screen. It says "checking file system on C:, Type of file system NTFS, The volume is dirty, CKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3) File record segment 34476 is unreadable" and then one by one it counts out the numbers (I went to bed around 69,000) and woke up to a black screen. PLEASE help!
Andi B


  • edited February 2006
    I'm thinking your drive has pooched out on you but you could try booting from your XP cd, get to the repair console and Type chkdsk /f or chkdsk /r and let it do it's thing. Since it's a laptop and it might take a while I'd be plugged into AC and also I'd be tempted to turn off all power saving features in the bios until it completes.
  • SmiGDigSmiGDig Albany, NY
    edited February 2006
    Definitely try running check disk again from windows if possible and then from a boot disk.

    If that doesnt work...

    Sorry to say but it sounds like your hard drive is in the process of dying or already has. If the cmputer is still under warranty call up Dell and you might be able to get a new one for free or cheaper than normal. If not, then just go purchase a replacement.

    Once you've got a new one in continue with your restore disk reinstalling windows.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2006
    I'm going to go along with what the others have said. It would be worth your while to run the HD diagnostic from the manufacturer, that should tell you for sure if the drive is failing. You'll probably need the test result code for warranty purposes.
  • edited February 2006
    Thank you all for expert opinions and suggestions. Don't know exactly how it happened, but I somehow got the XP disc to run--bunch of white writing on a black screen, so I walked away--next thing you know, when I come back, what I see is my desktop. Did some health and cleaning stuff to it, turned it off and then back on and got that same blue screen, except THIS time, it completed all three stages, did some repairs and took me to my desktop. I haven't had any issues since! My fingers are crossed, hope something doesn't take a nose dive now that I think its been fixed! Also, when I ran the Ad-Aware Personal, it came up with 2 critical items--don't know if that had anything to do with it. Again, THANK YOU, to those of you able to help others in's so greatly appreciated.
    Andi B
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2006
    I'd strongly recommend you do that HD test. Windows can rearrange things to cover for a bad spot here and there, but if the drive is failing that solution won't work forever.

    If the drive tests fine you'll be glad to know that you don't have to worry about it. Then, if the problem recurs, you'll know to look for a software solution.
  • edited February 2006
    Yeah, you should have gotten some disks from Dell that has their hard drive diagnostics on it. Be sure to run it and see how healthy your hard drive really is.
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