Opens Its Doors

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited February 2006 in Science & Tech
FreedomCafe, a new website and forums, has opened its doors in support of free discussion and debate surrounding the issues of Human Rights and Civil Liberties.

Long time Short-Media and Icrontic member Lammypie is behind the site and hopes it will provide people with a place to freely share opinions and ideals and to help people from all around the world to better understand each other through the day to day issues of the world.
"The site is all about freedom of speech, freedom of being, and freedom of ideals. It's about trying to bring people together with understanding and respect. It's going to be tough, but we have to start somewhere. Communication is the first step towards understanding, and that's what the site is going to be all about." - Spinner
Source: FreedomCafe
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