Needing some assistance...

I was wondering if I could get some help. I recently did a scan on after being recommended by pc pitstop.
My results were as follows:

Now it says I am missing significant driver updates and that 60% of my drivers are bad!!!
I am a newbie at this kind of thing so could someone please direct me what to do etc and how to download the updates...
Thanks ever so much,
I was wondering if I could get some help. I recently did a scan on after being recommended by pc pitstop.
My results were as follows:

Now it says I am missing significant driver updates and that 60% of my drivers are bad!!!
I am a newbie at this kind of thing so could someone please direct me what to do etc and how to download the updates...
Thanks ever so much,
They are trying to scare you into sending them thirty bucks. If your computer is working fine you should just ignore the "test" results. If it's not, you can download all of those drivers at no charge from the hardware manufacturer. Unless you're rolling in money and don't have the time to hunt them down individually you would be better off taking care of things on your own. You can find all the drivers you need right here - and at no charge.
The saying goes.... if it ain't broke don't fix it
Of course you have your enthusiasts who think differently...:P
...Help! I think?
Let me emphasize this once more: Sites such as this are borderline criminal. They are trying to frighten you into handing them $30 a year to fix a problem which does not exist. They are no better than a quack doctor who tells you that your Aurora Borealis is diseased and offers to "cure" you for a hefty fee.
Just thought updating all my drivers would speed things up abit.
Unless Device Manager is showing a problem with something, I seriously doubt that your slow bootup issue is driver related.