Mackanz -- Can you speak to the issues we're seeing with OCing Infineon RAM?

KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
edited February 2006 in Hardware
Hey bud --

So I'm piecing together my new system and I get a little hung up on the RAM I want. Cost is of little issue, I just wanted the best stuff, so at first I thought it was a no brainer. Pretty much all the 1GB DIMMs running off the fast Infineon chips have overclocked real well, with OCZ's offerings being no exception.

So I have my mind all made up, when I start seeing reports that the newest Infineon chips (CH6 or whatever they are, previous were the 5 version) are piss poor overclockers with none of them breaching the 250 mark with any reliability. At first I thought it was typically inexperienced people who are having trouble overclocking memory -- After all, the Infineon chips can be a little more touchy than the Samsung a lot of us are used to -- But the reports keep coming. They seem fairly widespread to such an extent that it is hard to just chock it up to people being noob. Even then, I'm not the great memory tweaker ever, so I don't want a memory that requires me to be a tweaker god just to reach a halfway decent overclock.

It's not just OCZ, but ALL of the manufactures using these chips (Mushkin, Crucial some Corsair... Pretty much everybody has at least one product out that uses them).

So now I'm thinking of going Corsair XMS TWINX2400 since it overclocks so well... Albeit at slower timings than the old Infineon stuff did.

I just wanna know what gives? When will we see good Infineon-clad DIMMs from OCZ and the like again? Why do the 6's suck? Where are the 7's?

I r sad panda. =[


  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited February 2006

    It's actually the other way started with CE-6 i have been told, a DDR333 part. Then they almost stopped producing those and went to CE-5 which strangely enough, clocks a little less numbers, but they do shine at really low voltage instead. Use 2.6 volts tops, lower if you can.

    Many of them do 250+ at 2.5-2-3-5 at really low voltage. 250 at 3-2-3-5 beats 300 at 3-4-4-8 any day of the week. Don't just look at the speed. With AMD, you have to take latency into the equation as well.
  • KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
    edited February 2006
    Mack -

    Thanks for replying. I know it's been a while, but I've been really busy lately. Everything I've been seeing is that they are reaching lower overclocks at the exact same timings, which is why I was concerned. Again, this is not an OCZ specific issue, but something that has been brought up concerning all modules that employ these same Infineon parts.

    I've decided to put off building the insane rig for a few months anyway, and am instead building a new budget rig, so it's no longer an immediate issue.

    Hopefully the memory situation will be clearer by the time I get around to building this computer.

    Reading over my original post.... Wow. I was really tired when I wrote that. heh
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