Nvidia 7600GT and 7900GT Specs

Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
edited February 2006 in Science & Tech
Along with the upcoming 7900GTX, Dailytech has specs and pictures of the upcoming Nvidia 7600GT and 7900GT midrange cards.

The 7600GT is to be a 12 Pipeline, 560mhz, 128bit design. While the 7900GT will be a 24 pipeline 450Mhz 256bit part.
As great as high end components are, the largest battles between ATI and NVIDIA will be fought on the mid-range. GeForce 6600GT, NVIDIA's best selling GPU of all time, is getting a little long in the tooth. NVIDIA deserves some well deserved credit for the foresight to keep GeForce 6600GT and 7600GT pin compatible.
NVIDIA roadmaps have confirmed to us that the 90nm 7900GT will feature 24 pipelines with a 450MHz core clock. Like the GeForce 7800GTX series, the 7900GT comes with this warning:

Note: For two GeForce 7900 GT-based graphics cards running in NVIDIA SLI configurations, a minimum 450W system power supply (with 12V rating of 26A) is recommended.
Source: Dailytech
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